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Environmentally friendly sanitary additives for the camping toilet

Environmentally friendly sanitary additives for the camping toilet - ECOCAMPS

Environmentally friendly sanitary additives for the camping toilet: Perhaps the most unpopular topic on a camping holiday: the motorhome toilet. There are a variety of products that promise to neutralize the scent of our waste. But these additives often contain aggressive chemicals. In the following article we will show what damage they do to nature and the sewage treatment plant and what environmentally friendly alternatives there are.

We are not alone: ​​everyone who spends time in the camping toilet

Various strains of bacteria become active in the toilet's dirty water and begin to decompose the organic load in the cassette. Since these anaerobic bacteria function without oxygen, the contents begin to “ferment”. However, the result of this decomposition process is not an alcoholic drink, but rather intensely smelling fermentation gases.

With chemicals against odors and nature

Most of the chemical additives are mixed with fragrances - this means that artificial smells are now added to the natural smells.
In principle, the aim is to prevent the decomposition processes in the cassette or to transform them into an odor-free form. People can prevent this by using more or less effective disinfectant chemical additives. Disinfectants, heavy metals or high concentrations of fertilizers (calcium nitrate) are effective. However, the disinfectants in particular massively disrupt the breakdown of the cassette contents in the sewage treatment plants.

When these toxic substances enter the wild, they damage sensitive organisms. We therefore advise: stay away from chemicals .

The good and the bad bacteria

It's easier with new and modern additives that change the microbiology in the cassette. The currently most effective and inexpensive form of odor prevention is the use of microbiological sanitary additives.

Even more bacteria in the camping toilet? As we already know, all sorts of bacteria that are responsible for the formation of smells live in our remains. We recommend: Adding even more bacteria to the camping toilet!

Bacteria ensure a healthy environment: The actively added aerobic bacteria work with oxygen and decompose the residues without unpleasant-smelling fermentation gases. When the biomass is broken down with the help of added aerobic bacterial strains, mainly odorless CO 2 and water are produced. The many “good” bacteria prevent the breakdown process of the anaerobic bacteria that are already in the camping toilet.

The camping toilet: A small sewage treatment plant in the camper van

The entire degradation process corresponds to a biological purification stage in the sewage treatment plant - only in the cassette. The sewage treatment plant is, so to speak, relocated to the camping vehicle. The additives are not only good for the sewage treatment plant, but also for the journey of the dirty water there. They actively prevent any unpleasant smells in the vehicle. And in the end everything is biodegradable.

Where are the new miracle cures? And how do you know the effectiveness of the additives?

We have put together an overview of environmentally friendly sanitary additives for you:

awiwa toilet mobile – microbiological toilet additive
(awarded with the European Innovation Award 2018)

Ensan Blue ⁺- sanitary additive for camping toilets in private areas
(Blue Angel)

Klo Flea – microbiological sanitary additive
(Blue Angel)

Biodor Toilet fresh

Micro Green Microbiological sanitary additive

Tip: Always use ecological means when cleaning your mobile home. Products that have been awarded the EU Ecolabel are suitable for environmentally friendly cleaning.

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