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Climate protection in Brandenburg

Climate protection in Brandenburg - ECOCAMPS

Climate footprint in the state of Brandenburg Camping is an essential part of the tourist offer in the state of Brandenburg. And it should stay that way even in times of climate change. Brandenburg's climate protection goal is to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions by 72 percent (to 25 million tons per year) by 2030 compared to 1990. The camping companies in the state are doing their part. According to a study by the Freiburg Öko-Institut1 in Germany, an average of around 4.5 kilograms of CO2 equivalent can be expected per overnight stay at a campsite. This does not include the arrival and departure of guests or emissions from on-site mobility. A fundamental analysis of the most important greenhouse gas emissions serves as the basis for the continuous improvement of the greenhouse gas balance of individual companies. However, this analysis should result in a comprehensive concept for improving corporate climate protection.

ECOCAMPING has many years of practical experience in this area from numerous projects. The multiplier role of camping companies appears to be at least as important in influencing the attitude of their guests to environmental concerns. When on vacation, people are much more open to new behaviors and more interested in information about environmental technology. Through targeted approach, holidaymakers can be encouraged to adopt new behavior patterns at the campsite, which in the best case scenario can even be transferred to everyday behavior.

Goals and approach in the “Climate-friendly camping in the state of Brandenburg” project. The campaign - embedded in the state's climate protection goals - is intended to provide a basis for improving climate protection and energy efficiency in camping companies. The target on the company side is to reduce the operational CO2 emissions per overnight guest stay in the participating companies. 1 Source: Comparative climate balance of motor caravan trips, Öko-Institut Freiburg, 2013 Building on the climate protection analyses, camping entrepreneurs are shown options for increasing the energy efficiency and climate friendliness of their company and designing sustainable holiday offers.

The climate-relevant emissions of the participating companies are recorded, evaluated in an anonymized company comparison and made available to the companies as benchmarks. The footprint analyzes on the participating campsites serve as a basis for systematically determining energy saving potential, planning the possible uses of renewable energies and recording and evaluating other areas that are important for the company's environmental balance. The result of the individual company analysis is sent to the company as a data sheet. In addition, the greenhouse gas balance is created as a CO2 footprint in the form of a certificate for each company. By recording emissions-relevant facilities, offers and services, companies can be clustered and thus made easier to compare with one another. Each company receives information about its positioning in climate protection and can therefore work directly on the “weak areas” to improve it.

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